Wednesday 8 April 2020

Online Communication 1

Hello Fellow Students!
Comic, Emoji, Emoticon, Face, Smiley, Vulnerable

I hope you enjoyed the course and your communication skills were sharpened online!  

Here are some instructions on how to create a blog & YouTube Video click the link below:

Before you complete your blog take some leisure time and have fun solving this crossword puzzle see the attached link:

When people are connected, we can just do some great things. They have the opportunity to get access to jobs, education, health, communications. We have the opportunity to bring the people we care about closer to us. It really makes a big difference. Mark Zuckerberg

Online Communication Teasers!!

Just to wet
Water, Drops, Blue, Liquid, Clear, Macro, Wet, Splash
 your taste buds on communication watch these two short Youtube Clips On Communication


A failure to Communicate. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Blog help. (2020). Create A blog. Retrieved from

Crossword Puzzle. (2020). Crossword Puzzle. Retrieved from

Communication Short Film. (2017). Retrieved from
How to Make a YouTube Video (Beginners Tutorial) - YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Zackerburg. (n.d.). Brainy Quotes. Retrieved from

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