Sunday 19 April 2020

Capajoonreflection: Implementing Reflective-Reflexive Learning in the ...

Capajoonreflection: Implementing Reflective-Reflexive Learning in the ...: This module’s reflection is somewhat a little different from my previous posts. What I reflected on this week was my assignment and how I ...

Reviewing this video
posted in the Blog designed by Carol Jordon. 
It is evident that she placed significant thought into the design and
layout of the video content.  Carol’s
blog was created with POWTOON.
What is Powtoon?   Powtoon has deemed a software for a business founded in 2012 by Ilya Spitalnik and Daniel
Zaturansky.  It’s designed to create animated,
videos that are embedded and slideshows. (
Wanborough, 2015).
As I reviewed this blog I saw how Carol embedded these elements into her blog
to provide a clear understanding of the lesson plan on the assigned course Composition
Narrative Writing Three Alpha.    Although
the blog was explicitly done. There are some suggestion adjustments that  Carol could have implemented into her blog
which will be detailed in her checklist. 
Overall, a great job and Carol really utilized the usage of Powtoon
evidently seen in her presentation.

Warbough. (2015). Powton. Retrieved from

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